Monday, June 27, 2011


Last three days of recital.  My body is starting to feel it.  I have to sit on the chair unfolded, because it puts me higher.  It's kind of like sitting on a  2x4 for 3 hours.  First couple of days are easy; but this morning, I woke up and I'm feelin' it for sure.  However, I got to sleep in until 8:30.  That was awesome. 

I woke up to a beautiful day.  I thought I was the first one to get up, but when the little one's started trickling down, I got reports that my niece, sis and bro in law were already out jogging.  Nice! 

I'm feeling a little wavery on what I should do today.  As my kids will be stuck here with me, I think I need to do something fun with them.  HEY.....THERE'S A THOUGHT!!!

Monday is usually my 'day off'.  I have to schedule one of those in, even though I rarely use it as a day off.  But I think today may call for it. 

If my sis wasn't going all the way to LA, I would consider tagging along.  However, with a possible 2 hour commute there, and back; that would give me about 2 hours in LA.  Not a fun day.

So....with this beautiful day, what shall we do?  I haven't a clue.

My head's been so buried in my computer, I haven't even thought of possibilities.  But as I feel the breeze coming through my window in my office, I'm feeling it better be something good and possibly outdoors.

Yesterday, my sis took the girls and my mom down to Balboa.  As I have always been a Laguna Beach person, Balboa is off my radar screen.  And every time I go I think, "Wow...we should do this again!".  It's like an excursion there.  It's such a touristy place, you feel like you are literally a tourist.

My niece showed me pictures of a bungee trampoline thing that the kids got to do.  It looked like so much fun.  I should have been there. 

I never think to do these things, because we live here.  Isn't that sad?  I can't be bothered with the crowds.  It's too much effort.  And during the summer...forget it!

However, as my sister and her family are here; they are tourists.  (my sis will not like the sound of that, sorry Mo).  But it's true.  They come, they visit, they take it all in and then go back to their home.

The revel in a few short weeks, what I have a lifetime to take in and don't.   There are many things I think to see all the time; and never do.  Griffith Observatory, Hike to the Hollywood sign, Getty Museum, a concert at the Hollywood Bowl, Descanso Gardens, ...... just to name a few.  Yet, I never make the time to go there.

It doesn't seem as interesting.....until someone comes here and wants to go there.  Sad, huh???

It's amazing how life gets in the way all the time.  We have all these opportunities around us; yet we stare at each other at dinner time and have conversations like, "What do you want for dinner?   I don't"  It's actually ridiculous if you think about it. 

The possibilities are endless, yet we stay stuck in our safe little rut, with our same little food and our same little outings with our same little people.  Ugghhhhhh........just the sound of it makes me mad at myself.

Ever feel that way????

So, I think today, I'll venture out, even if only for an hour or two and play with my girls somewhere we haven't been before.  We are going to have an explore day.  Maybe go Geocaching.  I have an Ipod....might as well use it.

With that said; I challenge you do to the same. 

Once again, I thank my sister for kick starting my imagination.
Love you Mo!  (and Sven and Mikael and AC and Kai and Tea and Emma!)

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