Thursday, November 17, 2011

So THAT'S what a real mom is like.....

I am actually way late in getting this thing started so it may be short, unless I can get my fingers to go hold on tight!

Why am I late you ask?  (Well true, not as late as some days, and not late to you, but definitely to me, because I usually start this and finish by this time.....)

Well, this morning I was like a mom!

What do you mean, a mom?  Of course you're a mom, don't be silly!!!

Yes, true, by default, I am a mom (and thanks for that!)  But truth is, I got up this morning and did what I call "mom" duties for my kids.

Like what?

Well, thanks again for asking.....

Earlier this week we had teacher conferences (always a big "gulp" for me, because I never know what to expect).

Turns out one of my kids may have some learning issues.  Now, as we are not sure, because she is naturally fidgety, I decided to look at diet first.  And then get alarmed afterwards.  At this point, I'm thinking I know the issues......but I will have to confirm it this week.....

One day a few years ago, I watched my daughter sitting at the table.  She was so focused on her task, it was adorable.  And within 20 minutes, something had transpired, and I wasn't sure what! I took a step back and wondered, what happened in the last 20 minutes.  Then I looked at the table, and a light bulb as big as New York hit me in the head....

her snack....

Now, being a relatively new mom at the time (under 10 years, I think she was closer to 5) I didn't realize how certain things would affect my child.  But as I looked her her Chocolate Milk and Cinnamon Granola balls (a gift from grandma thank you), I realized that the sugar has taken over my child, and I'm not sure who she is right now......

I literally watched as she bounced out of control and I could do nothing about it except let the sugar wear off.  I was completely taken aback!!!

Now, keep in mind, this same snack would not have affected my other daughter this way, which is why it took me some serious figuring out.

But as I sat in front of this teacher, who told me some concerning thoughts, I realized, I need to see some changes through.  Because the bottom line was, I was responsible for my child and I need to take a look at her habits and see which ones need changing and start the implementation pronto!!!

Does that mean more stuff just fell on my plate??? Absolutely!  But if not me, than who!  I want to see my children thrive.  And I do believe this issue can be corrected, so I have been getting up the past two days to actually cook for breakfast....for her!

Now, as a mom, we make decisions every day.  And for some of us, it's the mere thought of getting through the day that drives our decisions.  I'm struggling as it is trying to get everything done, and my house is a mess, so clearly, I'm already lacking.

But in my opinion (as Erma Bombeck says), in 20 years I won't be talking about how clean my house was (clearly), but I will be talking about how my children grew.  I will be reflecting back asking myself, "Did I make the best possible decisions for my children. And, did I take enough action to guide them into being responsible human beings!"

By this question, I know today, that I may have to work a little harder to help my child thrive and yes it will take more time, but is she worth it?  Absolutely?

Part of self confidence comes in the things we can accomplish.  If a child is sitting in class, and can't accomplish simple deeds, they feel incompetent.  And they start to judge themselves harshly.  They feel self conscious...and they do not thrive.  Which could lead to social withdrawal and further depression.

Wouldn't it be sad if no one looked at that child and realized the "fix" was actually quite simple.  It just took a few extra moments of time in each day?

Children are individuals.  My sister once said so beautifully....Children aren't ours...they pass through us.  (love you Mo).  It's so true!  Each child is their own little soul.  It is up to the parents to lift them up and guide them and teach them well.  To disseminate right from wrong.

My daughter was in the car with me yesterday and she was disappointed in a decision we had to make.  And my response to her was simple:  The Right decision isn't always "comfortable".  A parent will realize this and pass it on to their children.  Because if we grow up making poor decisions in front of our children, it doesn't matter what we have told them.  Because our actions speak louder than words.


So, I made breakfast and lunch for my children today.  Something I usually ask that they take care of themselves.  But as that has not been working out so well....I will play mom until they learn better.

(Did I say this was going to be short!???  Silly me)

Happy Thursday

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