Saturday, November 26, 2011

Ego vs. Faith

I have done a lot of thinking about peoples' stations in life.  And I feel there are two drives.....  Ego...or Faith!

Faith is soul driven and Ego is mind driven. 

As I get older, I see where one's motives derive.

Ego, in my opinion, is a cancer in our soul.  Yes, I'm pretty brave in saying that, but honestly, people who are Ego driven won't or can't be phased by that statement. 

Ego gets in the way of the root of who we are. 

Some people are purely driven by ego.  Which in my opinion means, they are above fault.

Faith, on the other hand, is at the mercy of the soul.  It is the deepest level one can go.  Faith means one has resigned themselves to the power that is beyond them.  They realize life and reality beyond their own existence.

I believe that these are the two extremes by which one can live.

Yet, so many dwell in the middle.

There is such a fight between ego and faith, that the two can never come together.  Can you identify anyone in your life that falls to either one extreme or the other?

I know both sides.

I pity the Ego.

If we live in the Ego, we have nothing.  Everything that exists falls in between our ears.

Yet if you fall to the other extreme - Faith, you are infinite.

One has limits.  The other is limitless.

Where do you want to fall in your lifetime?

My opinion? 

Check your ego at the door!

Happy Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate your post very much Cat. I am working on a chapter about Faith in my soon-to-be published book the Belief Quotient. I so agree with you about faith and ego being at odds. In my book I talk about Faith being the balance and Ego and Fear at either end of the continuum of belief. Ego says I don't need anyone or anything beyond myself. Ego wants to make its own rules and forge its own way. Fear cringes at the thought of moving forward without clear proof and safety. Faith is the confident that God/Universe daily conspires for our good. A leap of faith is essential to growth. The spirit says "leap", but the mind controlling Ego and Fear) says "no, wait, don't do it". Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. Faith is the reality behind the scenes where Spirit leads us into all we were designed to do and be.
