Monday, November 21, 2011

Old Age or Seasonal affective disorder....or stress?

I don't know if I'm getting older and this just happens, or I'm just so burned out that my stamina is at a low!

Every Sunday night we have dinner at my house with my mom and best friend.  This week, my brother and his family joined us, as well as my brothers best friend, whom I haven't seen in years.  I consider him another little brother (even though he towers over me by a foot!...well almost).

It was so nice having everyone gather around the table.  I just love listening to the conversations go in a million directions.  I miss my little brother and his family, so I'm very grateful for the time together.

But even though I adore them....I started petering out around 8pm.  Now, true, I did do 2 photo session, run around town looking for outfits for us and did our family session as well, and didn't have a moment to sit for myself, but still....lasting only until 8pm?   That's just sad!  Thankfully, everyone else was ready to go too, but I just can't believe how hard it is to stay awake!

Pictures of really old people dozing off in church come flashing over my mind.  Maybe the aren't bored after all....maybe this is just what happens and God knows this so he puts lulls in all the sermons to the feeble can take a break from listening?  Who knows........

All I know is that once upon a time, I would look at the clock on Sunday nights and be so bummed that mom had to leave by 10, because there were times we were in heated games and not ready for our Sunday night to end!

Now, at 8 o'clock, I'm wishing I could be in bed and let them carry on without me.

That  said, I enjoy the company and still look forward to it every Sunday!  And thankfully, I have been in good company, because my company is more than happy to pack it up and head out, usually just as tired as me!  I guess it's the winter season.  We are preparing for hibernation!

Whatever the reason, I'm gonna go with it.  Nobody seems to be complaining....but me!

Happy Monday!

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