Monday, November 21, 2011

Fail to plan, plan to fail.....

Every feel like you are flying by the seat of your pants? Well my friends, welcome to my world!

I know, I know....nothing new here. Right? Well, this is just another story of how I got ahead in one area...and fell behind in another. There always seems to be a cost somewhere.

Interestingly enough, I am totally super okay with it. It just reminds me it is time for the balance to shift.

I am coming to the conclusion that somehow, somewhere someTHING has to give at all times. If we got everything (I mean, like EVERYTHING) we wanted at all times, we would surely not appreciate what is really important.

We need to keep "righting" ourselves to keep in balance. It is like living your life on a tray that is balancing on one point. Too much to one tip. Too much to the other fall. And everything goes topsy turvy.

Now...if you are well balanced like have learned to run around the tray so fast that nothing actually falls just falls over so you can pick it up later when something else is off kilter.

Well in my case this week, the downstairs of my house is (still) clean, and my photo orders are all placed ( including our holiday card), and my weight watchers training has been completed......only my health is now at risk, because I haven't had a good workout in weeks.

Why it was only today that my husband had to bring in a crowbar to remove my butt from the desk chair I was sitting in, because I was so far wedged, I could hardly move. (Don't cry for me Argentina....)

Thankfully, the tray is tipping and I am ready to run to the other side. I can do this. I have done it before.

Sometimes it is best to be okay with what we did not do, because what we did do was so kept the balance well enough for another day.

But, it is time to get those shoes on for the mad dash, and pick up a few fallen items along the way to the other side.

As I always say...balance is key! ( I just don't know who I always say it to!)

Oh well.....Happy Tuesday!

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