Wednesday, July 20, 2011

lists and such

Yesterday I decided I was going to get back on track.  I made some good choices and I'm heading in the right decision, but I have to make a concrete plan, which I haven't yet done.

As I was dropping my girls off yesterday at nanna's, I asked them to grab a few things to take in.  They said "I can't, my  hands are full".  Well, they may have been full to them, but as a mom, I know you can squeeze a little more in, you are just wimpin' out! 

So I told the girls, "You know - I hate that you say you can't!  If you think you can't do something, find a different way to make it happen!  (I was very frustrated as I have heard this a lot lately from them.  And after seeing how the Norwegians just "Do", I'm feeling a little less than...."on it")

So I dropped them off and proceeded to work.

On my way, I called hubby to issue some concerns about the kids.  I mentioned that I want everyone's help in getting back on track, and he laid it on me......

(he said), "You say can't a lot, and you need to just find a way to make it happen!"........

Yes.....he really did say exactly what I just told the kids!

I'm thinking our family needs a little meeting.  We all need to figure out a way to make it (whatever it is) happen.

I have no doubt that the kids have picked stuff up from me (God help them). I have seen what they have picked up from daddy!  When Aspen starts yelling at Chris, I have to stop myself from laughing sometimes.  She's his Mini-Me, I swear!!!

The kids room is just like my room.  I'm old and I haven't figured out how to be tidy.  They are young and need to.

As for getting back on track, I have a few concrete things that will be going on paper today. 
As my husband said to me, "You need to create your ROCKS.  Those are things that cannot be moved or changed in the week.  Like exercise." 

He's right (littlefuthermucker).  That is how I got to my goal originally.  Nothing got in my way.   Now, somehow, I have let everything get in my way and it seemed to be an effortless transition.  I'm heading back into old patterns, which are not acceptable.

I have decided to ask the kids for help.  Last night we all went around the lake together.  The girls on their scooters, and Julie and I in tow.  I had fun running up behind them when they thought we were way far back.  I actually bolted up a hill, where they were walking, and they got mad at me. 

It made for a fun walk.  We all got activity, and we were all together.  That's my idea of exercise (okay, well not always!).

Sometimes you need to change things around a bit to trick yourself into doing what needs to be done.  Sometimes you just have to tell a LOT of people and ask for help.  In this case, I know exactly what kind of help I need, and with the girls in assist, we may have fun doing it.

So, today, I will get paper and pen - and ask the girls to do the same.  We all have responsibilities that we need to adhere to.

But first, while the girls are sleeping, I'll work on putting their bathroom back together.  The contractors came yesterday and finished everything.  Their bathroom is a very bright blue/green.  I got chocolate brown to accent and pull down the color a bit.  I can't wait to see the finished product. 

Immediate gratification is always a good thing.

Happy Wednesday!

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