Monday, July 18, 2011

Rest and Recovery?

I'm not sure if it's my age or the fact that I haven't worked out recently.  But lets just say, two weddings in a row.....I'm feelin' it!

My knees are what are the most surprising.  The pain was probably aggravated by my terrible shoes. I'm starting to appreciate my feet more and how bad shoes can mess up your whole body!!

And somehow...I got a bruise on my right wrist....  I swear old age ain't for sissies!!!

So this morning when I was wakened to the drywallers being here, lets just say, I wasn't at the door with bright eyes and bushy tail.  It was more of a hobble and a growl...I may have scared them......

I was really looking forward to a day off....and I guess I'll get it.  But it will be at home.  :(

Sounds like they will be here on Wednesday too (my 'other' day off).    So, I suppose I'll be forced to look at my house and see what needs to be done.  And in my absence....there is plenty!

I have a choice on how I will use my time.  The skies the limit (as long as the skyline is my roof).

So, while I would like to be laying in bed all day - the kids won't let that happen.  So I need to make sure whatever I plan includes them.  As I know they will not want to do ANY housework whatsoever, I'll have to sweeten the deal somehow. 

My last job, I had to buy a pair of pants, because I couldn't find a pair in my mass of clothing piles.  I'm guessing that will be first on the list.  My poor husband has had to walk around baskets for months.  It's time to reel it in a bit, don't you think?

Since it's a task I abhorr....I'm going to throw in a movie.  If I'm distracted by the movie, my hands won't mind the drudgery.  And since I am doing it....the girls can partake as well. 

I'm going to do my best to make this a fun experience.  (I just have to convince the girls it's fun).

Right now the girls are picking out paint colors for their bathroom (when we had a slab leak, they had to cut the drywall and so now we need to repaint).  So to "let" them have the color "they" want....I will simply let them have it IF....they clean their room.  (see how that works?)  Otherwise, I will pick the most atrocious color in the paint chip catalog and threaten them with my choice.  See?? Win/Win!!

Now that I can see my house with fresh eyes (okay, well, they are a little puffy right now, but you get the point), I will start making my "chip" list.  Which means I will create a list and start chipping away at it. 

But first, I need to get ice to put on my knees to hopefully bring an ounce of comfort and speed recovery so my chip list is actually do able.  First things first.....

Happy Monday!

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