Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Back on track

Wow.....this is gonna be hard.

I have been so consumed with dance and photography that I literally feel like I haven't lead a meeting in months.

I took last week off (at the last minute) because I couldn't do it all. And now I am back to my regular schedule. It really feels weird. Thought I took a 'vacation' last week, I literally got no rest. So I feel like I need a vacation from my vacation. Ever feel that way?

It's definitely time to get my life back on track, that is for sure. It feels like it has been off for a while.

Clearly, I do much better with a schedule. I think most people do.

But the truth is, my schedule has been very willy-nilly for the last two years. Before I started back to work, I was on a very set schedule. And things - goals were very clear to me.

Working threw me off. And then with the addition of dance team for the girls, I feel like I can barely catch my breath, let alone have any goals for myself.

I constantly advise people; if you are waiting for the seas of life to part so you can easily reach your goals, you will be waiting along time.

I once listened to a speaker go through 18 years of excuses in just a minute. And I realized that is what most of us do. We excuse ourselves away.

And the truth is, we either do what we want most (which isn't goal related) or we do something so we can avoid what we should be doing. Sound familiar?

Yesterday alone, I started out with great intentions, but told myself, if I worked so hard over the weekend, I can rest the day away. Not that I am not entitled to a rest day, but I excused myself because it was too hard to finish the goal I created for myself. I did chip away, like I said, but every time I fall short of a goal, I am retraining myself that I cannot achieve my goals. That is not a good place to be.

I remember an old friend once telling me I lull through life. At that time, I had no goals. I have lived both sides of that, and I must say, when I had goals, I had focus. My decisions were pointed in the direction of the goals, and eventually, my goals were achieved. Now...I just need new goals!

My goal this week is to create a schedule for myself that includes my big goals. That way, I can get back on track and stop feeling like I am lulling through life.

I will have my big goals list, and then I will break it down and have the little goals that go towards the big goals. I can do this. It is time to get back on track!

Happy Tuesday!

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