Monday, July 11, 2011

Creature of habit

This morning we woke up and had to make a decision for breakfast. There is this cute little pastry place across from where we are staying. As carbohydrates are my downfall, this place calls to me every time I pass it.

However, I had to make the decision to pass on this. We brought enough food to feed a bunch of people for a few days. There was a method to the madness in packing this food. To save money.

Not only that, I have to say, something happens as you get older. You get set in your ways.

That is a good thing and kind of a not good thing. As I walk out of my house with my cappuccino machine, I can completely justify the space this item will take up in my car. It is an absolute necessity, because, until they create an injectible source of caffeine, this is my method of choice. And I refuse to pay $5 a day for something I can create myself.

As for the pastry place, I am not completely out. I am sure I will visit it at some point. However, while I have banana chocolate chip muffins in my room, and oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, made from scratch, with no preservatives, I can hold strong in my resolve to save a few bucks on this trip. I hate buying something that I can make better at home.

Can you hear the old-age-set-in-her-ways-girl screaming at the top of her lungs?

I kind of laugh at myself when I think about the choices I make sometimes. Mostly because I make fun of my best friend for the same reason.

They say that when you have an issue with someone else, it is usually a reflection of an issue you have with yourself. I can honestly say, this is true. When I scream at my kids for not cleaning their room, I head in to my own room and look at the piles of (well, let's call it 'stuff'), and I realize that I should be yelling at myself as well. Only I don't listen to me for myself......

My fear in that is my kids will adopt my skills of disorganization and carry that burden through life. There is nothing I want less for my children, I promise you. But I cannot give them what I don't have.

But, I digress.......

As I sit in my hotel room, with earplugs in and coffee in hand, I am content in my resolve to save money. My espresso drink is perfect and I get to watch the kids in their pajamas choreograph a dance to keep from being bored. They Have already had their Apple Jacks, and the sugar is kicking in. Oh, and did I mention I am hanging put in bed, writing to you wonderful people?

So while my brother in law laughed at me as I was piling stuff in the car, and made me feel just a little self conscious, I am happy with the choices I made. Being set in your ways isn't all bad.....

Happy Monday

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