Saturday, July 9, 2011


I actually slept in this morning. And I am still the first to walk around the house. The Norwegians are back from their trip, and so there are bodies everywhere around my house.

It isn't much longer that they are here. I am very sad I have spent so little time with them. I leave for Palm Springs today because my girls have their national competition. This will officially bring our first Dance team year to a close.

It has been quite a grueling year, schedule-wise. Our lives have not been our own. They have belonged to the girls and their dance schedules.

I am pretty impressed that we got through it. It was a lot more than I expected, and on many levels I am surprised that we only missed one rehearsal (by accident) through the whole year.

I kind of laugh when I think back to the first meeting we had to get the information on dance team. I imagine us sitting there like a deer in the headlights.

When we first looked at the schedule, I think my and Chris' jaws dropped to the floor. And that was when I didn't have a concept of most of what I was seeing. Now on the other side, I can't help but want go back and talk to that clueless mom and tell her to hold on for the ride!

It has been a great ride, but also an eye opener on a few levels.

When you go through something grueling, you see things you didn't see before. Like how someone handles stressful situations; how organized or disorganized someone is, and who can pinch hit for the team.

In our case, I was very impressed with myself. I became a lot more organized at putting their stuff together and keeping track a little better than in the past. I was impressed with the girls, because they never once complained about going to dance even when they were tired. And I am impressed with Chris, because he really stepped up.

I used to be the one who would take the girls to. Dance - always. But this year, I couldn't do it all, so he stepped up. Pretty soon, it was..."oh- you are Chris' wife?". It used to be the other way around. I had people I didn't know coming up to me saying, "I spoke with your husband, and....". It was a weird place to be.

Also, for their production number at the studio, they did "Beetlejuice". Chris is the voice on the dance cut. He was asked to participate and he jumped right in. I have seen the number a million times, and still chuckle when I hear his voice on the loudspeaker.

He was also the clown in the year end recital.

What great memories for our girls to have. It truly is a family affair. It has brought everyone to a whole new level.

This weekend at nationals, it is their last opportunity to show what they can do. I hope for the best for all the kids performing. To see the pride in their faces when they get an award is a celebration of all their hard work. It will be fun to watch.

After this weekend, my summer can officially begin! We have a few weeks off to contemplate our next season.

And in August, when I sit at the parents meeting...I will look around to that parent who has the deer in the headlights look. I may even go over and hold their hand....if I can stop laughing long enough.

Good luck this weekend kiddos, It has been a great joy watching you grow this year!

Happy Saturday!

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