Saturday, May 28, 2011

We're goin' in.....

Slept in.

Felt great.

Don't get to do that very often.  I was still awakened at  5:30 by birds, but slammed the windows shut cussing at them. ( If you start your day out cussing at birds, your hopes for the day should be low.  )

Unfortunately, I do not have time for low hopes today.  I have lots to do; I have mentally prepared myself for organizing and purging.  Chris will be in the garage working out there, while I will be in the house working in here.

Why not together you ask?  Because I want to stay married!

Some people work really well together, and others work really well in spirit.  I will be cheering him on for his efforts out there, while he will be oblivious to what I am doing in here.  He will be filled with rage and aggravation as he has to touch every last item in the garage, and think to himself, "Why did this even make it to the garage?  It should have gone straight to the trash". 

He has no value on anything.  If he doesn't use it, he has no use for it; it's as good as trash.

Where I look at something and remember what it used to be to me; how I used to love it, my motivation for bringing it into the house and can I make another use for it?'s like oil and vinegar.  They work together...but separately!

Can you imagine us cleaning in the same room together????   It's a nightmare.  We yell, we argue, we shake our heads at each other, and if it gets really ugly, we call each other names!  (not very often, but it's worth buying a ticket). 

When it comes to cleaning day, we have to really work hard (on ourselves) if we have to be in the same room.  When you have two personalities that clash, it's quite a challenge to get anything done!

I wish I had the ability to see things clearly like he does, but I'm usually clouded with emotion, of which he has none.

So, how's it going to work today?  He'll pull every last thing out of the garage and come up every five minutes and say, "I need you to look at something".   I will go downstairs, look at it, we'll argue about it, and then I'll go back up and "not" see what he does with it.  (I'm rolling my eyes as I write).

I wish I could be more clear-headed, but I'm not.  So all I can do is mentally prepare for the day, and get as much done as possible. 

I wouldn't call us (and by us, I mean me and the girls), "Pack Rats".....I would more so call us, "Procrastinator Rats".    We mean to deal with stuff.....just not now.

Well, the girls will be gone until this afternoon, so we are freed up from them intervening, further complicating our efforts.  To them; everything is sacred and nothing should be thrown away.  I hope they aren't terribly shocked when they come home and their world has been turned upside down! 

If they don't see what we are "removing", chances are they will be hard pressed to identify it, and therefore, when it's gone forever....though they will feel a void....they won't know why.... (evil, I know).  But ya gotta do what ya gotta do, right???

Thankfully, my Julie is coming over to be the seasoning in between the oil and vinegar.  She will mediate the arguments between me and Chris.  She understands me...and she knows where Chris is coming from.  So she can guide the vehicles before they become a collision.

I anticipate a productive day.  I have been working it through in my mind for a while now, and I think it's time. If all goes well, I will still be married at the end of the day, and if all goes really well, Chris and I will still like each other. 

I envy people who work really well together, but I have found that no two people are perfect together.  There is always some glitch, no matter how big or small.  Our good side is determination and stubbornness; and I dare say we do respect each other. 

And respect means understanding and accepting our differences.  We don't have to like them....but we accept them.  And you can only work with what you got, right???

Wish us luck!
Happy Saturday!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I can relate to this. Only... jason has been the one to hold onto things; whereas, every year I go through a "we have to let go of the old, to make room for the new". If a lone glass is in our cabinet bc all of his buddies have broken over time, I want to get rid of it, whereas J will want to keep it as a "souvenir"? Who knows. And we have gone through the girls old toys when they've been gone too. And, they've never known it was missing. Good luck today my dear... Your house will feel so much lighter when you're done. xo
