Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Just say no???

This whole week I feel like I have had stuff foisted upon me at the last minute.  There is just so much going on.

When my week started out, it was pretty mellow.  I had my schedule set, and it was busy; but I had some gaps for "me" time. 

Notice the use of the word, "Had".

In the past few days, so many things have been "urgently" requested of me.

My Tuesday was booked with work, pick up and deliver kids to their events, and then help a friend with her seminar.  It was booked for weeks.  6-8pm, and done. .....or was I?

When I got home from kids deliveries, I check my email, and I saw a message from my friend that she needs to finalize her daughters graduation announcements.  I told her we would have to meet early next week as I was completely booked for the week.

And then it happened.......panic!

Now, to explain - I knew going into the photo shoot (that was for the announcements,) that we were already late.  So I half expected some urgency in getting them done.   But, let’s just say my timeline didn’t meet her timeline, and my friend was ready to come to my house and get the images off my computer herself and do the announcements without me.  (which was never going to happen).

So, I told her to meet me at my house at 8pm and we'll get started. 
Three hours later, we emerged with what will be a stunning announcement (did you have any doubt?).  We work very well together.

But, it got me thinking.  When I got her email, I was emphatic about NOT doing them until next week, because I already have so much bearing down on me.

But I yielded.  And, I find, I yield a LOT!

My husband asked why I was so stressed and I told him that I literally do not have a second to myself this week.  And then he started touting his broken-record response, "Well...that's YOUR fault".  (EXACTLY what I needed to hear from him, right?)  Oh no....actually, that's why I DON'T mention these things to him, because he wants to either fix it, or tell me how I did it wrong!  He's such a putz.  But not unlike other men.  I have read about him in books.  (yes...I just called my husband textbook).

But, I digress.

I realized the little futher mucker was right.

I had to think about decisions I have made and why my stress level is increased. 
I could have said no to my friend and protected my boundary.  But I knew going in, that we were already behind and this could happen.  I also knew that this project is a big advertising piece for me, and that is to my benefit to finish it as soon as possible.  I also realized if I squeeze this one in, I'm freed up for next week.

So, yes, it was a bit of stress.  But as I told her that my "rush" fee is a bottle of wine, and she was happy to oblige. 

As it turned out, we had nice conversation, many laughs; and the thrill of accomplishment.  Because when we were done, the end result was worth all the stress.  It may not always be worth the stress….but this one was.

Maybe someday my husband will get it.

But I won't hold my breath.

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