Thursday, May 26, 2011

Embrace you!

I love the English language.  It's filled with words that sound so innocent, but they actually carry a lot of damage.

I think most people are trying to find their way in life.  Wouldn't you agree?  We are trying to be something to everyone, as if they are the authority on who we are.

But they aren't.  We are!

So, why do we let others dictate our sense of self worth?  Our boss tells us they need more, our spouses tell us they need more, our kids tell us they need more...and if you laid your foundation right, you have surrounded yourself with people to pick you up after you feel like you are a total FAIL!!!

Okay, you are not a fail, but doesn't it feel that way sometimes???

Lately I have had a lot of "Fail" moments, and I can't help but reflect on myself and what is wrong with ME!!!

Then I came to the conclusion that it isn't me, it's others' perception of me!  They simply want more from me!  The "Just" want one more thing.  One more thing that is quite possibly impossible for me to accomplish.

If I can't accomplish it, I turn it on myself and wonder, what is wrong with me; why can't I "just" do this?

Well, every so often, I get a grain of wisdom, and can actually articulate to the other person (whomever it may be on whatever given day), that I am simply not built that way.  My brain doesn't work like theirs, and therefore my processing is different and their "just" request is impossible for my processor and they will have to either find another person to deal with, or "just" change their request of me to a way I can process it.

An example.  My husband has been trying to explain to me this "thing" that is supposed to make our cell phones our house phones.  The concept is so cool to him, he wants me to buy into it.  I simply cannot fathom what he is talking about.  I told him if it's THAT GREAT.....then go for it.  But he REALLY wants me to understant what it is.  It's taken him 3 attempts to explain to me what it is.

First of all....I "just" don't care.  But that aside, as he explains it; he is very articulate.  It's not him.....I!!!  My brain cannot wrap my mind around what it is, and I literally feel a wall going up in my head that says, "Abort....abort...abort...." And so I told him to stop.  I don't get it and he's wasting his time. 

He walked away shaking his head, because it is such a simple concept.  To him!!!  Not to me.  In years past, I would have thought myself an idiot.  But the truth is...I'm just different and process things differently.  That is all!!! 

We all have our gifts in life.  ALL OF US!!!  We JUST handle it all differently.  And that is the beauty of YOU!  There is no one like  you.  You are like your thumbprint.  Unique....different....beautiful. 

We need to accept that we have our own ways to cope, our own ways to love, our own sense of humor, our own crazy aspects...we are different.  Not stupid.  Just different. 

The beauty in life, or rather the to be able to find out who YOU are.  And what makes YOU tick.  No one can put that upon you.  No one!  We are driven by what is inside US.  And no one can see or feel that but US.  And the more we listen to external factors (people), the less we listen to ourselves. 

Take time to nurture YOU.  YOU are the only one who can do that.  When you are tending to someone else in the world.....who is tending to you????

Happy Thursday!!!

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