Sunday, May 29, 2011

Running with the big dogs

Slept in.

Felt almost as great as yesterday.

But not quite.

Ever go to bed way later than you are used to?   I'm sure not very often as we are all creatures of habit, but I'm sure it happens from time to time.

Funny thing happens when you go to bed later than usual.......your body still tries to wake you up at your "regularly scheduled wakeup time".  Nice, huh?  Then, when you try to go back to sleep...the internal clock keeps nagging at you as though something is definitely wrong.  So any amount of sleep after "RSWUT" is futile! 

But worth it.

Last night I got to go to an "adult" party.  That is; at party without kids.  I haven't been to one of those in quite a while. 

Furthermore, it was with a group of people I only see with a million kids around.  It was the people from my kids' dance studio. 

Our brains are trained from an early age to filter based on the company we keep and the conversation that ensues.  If you are around a person with trailer trash mouth, your filters go way down, and you are free to cuss away. 

Yet, if you are around a very pristine person, you are more likely to 'carefully' select your words, so as not to offend.  As we get older, our filters become more and more sensitve and we are more quickly aware of how to appropriate our conversation based on our surroundings. 

And when you are at a dance studio, all you encounter is parents or dance teachers, and your filters run on high at all times, because you are mixing with many people you only see of 1 hour at a time, and not necessarily every week.  It is conversation at its most pristine.

However.....have a party....mix in dance teachers and parents, and leave kids out, with the understanding that this is an "adult" party....and your filters take some time to adjust.

Just like Pavlov's dog who was trained to salivate when the bell rang (because he was continually exposed to food after the bell), there is an automatic response when you see people on a different level.

You literally find yourself over thinking on how to respond to an "adult" question. 

Case in point; I was playing pool with one of the dance teachers, decided to go refill my beverage quickly, and was immediately thrown into the 'adult' conversation in the kitchen.  It was a quick question that I wasn't expecting to hear and it was definitely 'for adults only'.  I paused before answering.  My filters went on high as I scanned the room for kids.  I almost didn't answer.  Almost...... (I hardly ever don't answer a question).
Before I responded with my 'adult' answer (which was a total TMI response) I asked, "I'm answering as an adult, right?"  And I was met with a resounding they got my adult answer and I quickly left the room to finish out my pool game.

It did take a while to adjust my filters to fit into the party.  But a few hours and a bit of alcohol later and there were no filters to be found.  It was such a great night.  Before I knew it, it was 1am, and we decided it was a good time to leave, even though we were not the last to leave.

It's not easy to find a good adult night, and when you do, it's hard to let it go.

I came home giddy.  Not only did we have a great night; I got to "play" with these fabulous people that I see all the time in a 'filtered' way. 

And though my body will pay the price for the late night; it was definitely worth it and I hope to do it again!  But first....I must recover.

Happy Sunday!

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