Saturday, May 14, 2011

I think I'm back!

I don't know what happened to Blogger, but it wasn't there yesterday, and the last post I did post on here, mysteriously disappeared.  I think that is a "lesson to self.....back your stuff up!"

As blogger went crazy, so did my life.  I have been in help mode lately, and though I like helping, it's been difficult, because they are all very important tasks and I don't want to fail.  But...I think I did.

Thursday was my most insane day; which probably  is what led to my two bowl breakfast on Friday.

On Thursdays I work 3 meetings, separated by taxi driving my kids.  So when I leave the first two meetings, I pick up the kids, snack and change them, drop one at tuturing, one at dance, pick up from tutoring, drop off at home, and go back to the last meeting of the day which takes me to 8:30pm.  After which I come home and help finish up any homework that wasn't done. 

However on this past Thursday, I was on the phone in between all of that, dealing with Girl scouts, Work issues (with Boss), trying to help with an obituary (which is where I think I failed), and creating a DVD presentation for another funeral, (so I could have it delivered on Friday.)

DVD got done and delivered, totally missed out on finalizing the obituary (which breaks my heart), work issue fixed (well, sort of), and Girl scout issue is pending until next week, but at this time it's off my list.

However, feeling good on Friday, thinking I have it all together, I managed to miss a dance appointment for a child, which left the teacher standing there waiting.  DAMN!!!  Will I ever keep it all together?

(Now....don't you want two bowls of cereal right now, too???)

It sounds stressful, and it is; but once again, I realize, when I am busy, my mind is sharp and active.  Which makes me feel good, because most times, it feels pretty stagnant.

I was looking forward to the weekend, which was free, until my neighbor walked in and decided to book me for his wedding, which means and engagement session for Saturday.  Oh...and work meeting thrown in, so there goes my Sunday.

I swear it's always something.  I feel like I'm scrounging for me time, but maybe this is it?  A few hours here, and a few hours there.  No full days.  I'm actually getting exactly what I wanted.  Just not in the order I would have liked.  That happens sometimes, doesn't it?  We want what we want, the way we want it and no other way. does NOT work that way.  So I will take it when I get it, and suck it up and smile and enjoy every minute of it.  Because I'd rather be me, than someone with no family and no prospects and no one caring to switch up my schedule at the last minute.

So with that, I will take my few Saturday hours, before the kids go to dance, and snuggle and make the best of my "me time" wherever I can squeeze it in.

Happy Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. "I realize, when I am busy, my mind is sharp and active. Which makes me feel good, because most times, it feels pretty stagnant."

    I can totally relate. I find that I have been forgetting things when I am NOT super busy.

    I hope you get your work issues ironed out.
