Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Balls in the air.

I'm not bashing men.  I'm starting with that on purpose.  I am NOT bashing men.

Why does it seem that because I have a bit more patience, I get to deal with the nasty kid at home?  When they are in a good mood, daddy is right there.  The second they throw a fit...it's over.  They are mine again.  

I was just reading a book about stress for Mom's.  (Thank you Karen).  It talked about how women are able to juggle a million tasks, while men work hard to juggle one ball in the air.  I gotta say, I kinda get that.

I don't like it......but I get it.

Our brains work differently.  I think the main problem is "they" don't see that our brains work differently.  When hubby comes home and looks at the messy house, I swear his finger couldn't be bigger while he is metaphorically pointing it at me.  (That's how it feels, anyway.)

When we discuss it, he says, "I didn't say it was you, I just said the house is a mess!"  But seriously; if it's not my fault, then why isn't he sitting down with the kids, making a plan?  Because it's the mom's job.  Right? 





But, I can't change history, so it will seemingly fall on the mom. 

It's very frustrating, because I feel like it's another thing to add to my 'Fail' list.  (Ever feel that way?)

But I digress.  Because we (ladies) can handle so many things, it does seem more natural that we take care of them, right?

Well, if that's the case, then I would like to reserve the right to 'hide' in my office from time to time, and let the fury rain on someone else (no names mentioned here).  When the girls are up in arms about the wrong outfit, or they hate their sister, or better yet....there's NO CREAM CHEESE FOR MY BAGEL....I would like to hide in my office and juggle one thing at a time.

Now, this is no disrespect to hubby.  He does handle plenty of things.  He has a better brain than me in so many areas, he is a must for this household.  But when it comes to emotional breakdowns, those are just not on his list.  I'm better able to handle it (or ignore it for sanity purposes), and therefore, I take the front seat.

But sometimes (just sometimes), I would like to be able to not predict that I am needed in the kitchen to intervene for the cream cheese meltdown. 

That said, I doubt I would change a thing.  As my husband says on so many occasions, 'It is what it is'.   And he's right.  (see babe, I do listen to you)

So, I will continue to read my books on how to manage stress (yet another ball in the air), and do my best to keep my sanity while the kids scream, and the big finger is pointed at me.  It is what it is, and I can only do what I can do.

Happy Tuesday!

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