Monday, May 16, 2011

Just call me Grandma!

Yesterday I got a glimpse of what it is like to be a grandma. 

I had my nieces over for a few hours.  They are 5 year old twins and a 7 year old princess.  The seven year old, Jessica, has got to be one of the happiest little munchkins on the face of this earth.  First thing she did when she saw me, was run up and give me a hug. 

I haven't seen them much in the last few years; and the sad thing is;  they only live in Fullerton!  It's sad how life gets in the way.  So needless to say, I was very happy to see the girls.  The twins also gave me a hug, and I must say, I was taken aback.  Last time I saw them I got something very closely resembling "Stink Eye" from both of them and had to keep my distance.

To go back to 5 and 7 is a funny thing.  Instantly I feel the sense of wonder that they carry (still).  Silly things make them laugh, and I love being witness to that, because it reminds me that we all started there! 

I hear the squeals of the twins running around the house, filled with giggles and lots of talking.  It warms my heart. 

I remember that this is the age where you can start giving them more freedom.  They aren't shoving things in their mouths, or sticking things in sockets, so it's a pretty easy visit.

As it was Sunday, mom and Julie were over and we were having "Shlomgoya night".  Meaning, we are clearing the fridge, so dinner is whatever looks best to you from the week.  We had everything from hamburger helper (out of a box), to home made enchilada's and pizza and pork tenderloin.  Most of us took a little of everything, because it was so good!  Jessica (7yr old) called it a "Food Paradise".  (can you tell we are foodies?)

For dessert, I decided to save the banana's from certain death, so I made some banana bread with chocolate chips.  But also realized I had a can of apple pie filling, so I decided to whip up some pie crust for the kids to fill and have as an extra dessert option. 

Let the rolling begin!!! 

As I worked with the kids, rolling out the dough, I found myself extremely patient.  And though my kids were there and the patience was extended to them; I couldn't help but think back to just a few years ago, when I would have lost it on my kids, if one side of the crust was rolled out thinner than the other!  At that moment, I realized, I was like a grandma.

I had such patience with the mess falling to the floor and the crusts being totally uneven and cut into obscure shapes that barely fit together.  I let them do what they wanted, and had the bigger girls helping the smaller girls.  It was so much fun!

I realized, with age and experience, we mellow a bit.  I hardly ever see a grandparent who is nasty and impatient.  So to me it was a glimpse of what I have to look forward to.

But I also realized that I should remember this moment and bestow upon my own children TODAY, the patience I give to others. 

YES....we have our baggage, which is why we usually lose it.  But the truth is, no one will die if the crust is uneven.  If the flour falls to the floor, it can be cleaned up. 

I will do my best to remember this moment when working with my kids.  I feel like we got so much out of it; and the end result was a fabulous apple turnover that the twins could snub their nose at. But at least they enjoyed themselves and their accomplishments....and so did Grandma Cat!!!  LOL

Happy Monday!

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