Monday, May 9, 2011

Mothers Day

Mothers Day is a day of celebrating your mother and who she is to you.  It is a day to thank her for all she is done and appreciate all her sacrifices.

Unfortunately, until I was a mother myself, I didn’t get all the sacrifices.  I remember when I was working and pregnant, I had all these plans during my maternity leave.  I had my days planned and projects scheduled and as I spoke of said plans, the lady who worked across from me started laughing.  I said, “What is so funny?”  And she said, “The fact you think you’ll have so much time!” 

It made me take pause, but I dismissed her comment thinking she just had no idea.  My experience would be different than hers.

I felt like I was standing at the door of mommy-hood, knocking, but no one would take me seriously until I actually had my child!  It was insulting to say the least.

And then she came…….Aspen was born, then two years later, Avery….and I have hardly had a moment to myself since then!    I finally understand what they were trying to say.  There is no explaining parenthood.  It is the end of “you”.

Motherhood is an all out sacrifice.  You can never make a decision again that doesn't affect your children. 

Since having children, I have gotten to "re-know" my mom.  I now see her on a different playing level.  I have a bit more wisdom about the choices she made, and though at the time, I wasn't a I understand.

Many children hold their parents (usually their mothers) responsible for their shortcomings in life.  They grow up and blame their mothers for the lack of love or attention, or making wrong decisions.  I had a few complaints myself.

But thankfully, as I have gotten older, I see some of her decisions were coping mechanisms.  She was doing the best she could just to get by with her sanity.  She had 5 children.  And thankfully, we all lived through everything.  We are smart, healthy, have families of our own.  We are fortunate.

When I look back at my childhood, I see that we were actually spoiled on many levels.  And compared to some people, we were really lucky kids.  I am glad I can see that now.  If nothing else we had each other. 

But the most important thing I think I have learned about my mom while being a mom myself is, I realized that my mom is simply human.  She is not perfect.  But she is human.  And she did the best she could with what she is able to offer us, and I'm thankful that in my adult life I can see where she is coming from.  Just knowing this helps heal my hurts. 

Our relationship has grown into more of a friendship.  We travel together, have Sunday dinners and card nights and she is available at the drop of a hat to watch my kids (her grandkids) when I need her.  I can ask her questions and learn from her past, and most importantly, my kids get to know and love their grandmother.  She is a fixture in our lives and we are so blessed. 

So on this Mothers Day, it is a true blessing to celebrate my mom and all moms for all the sacrifices they make every day!  And I too am celebrated by my children who are too young to see I am human, and still love me for everything I do.  They are too young to realize that I too, will screw up their lives somehow....(and they will let me know how later).

Hope your Mothers Day was devine!
Happy Monday!

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