Friday, May 6, 2011

As luck would have it

And just like that, everything came unraveled.....just like my dream.....

I worked all week on a DVD that was to go to Norway for my nieces confirmation.  It took me a long time to put it together and if I wanted to get it done in time, I would have to get it mailed internationally overnite by Wednesday.  BUT....what if I just upload it to youtube (first bad decision).

Next, I had a meeting scheduled for work. I thought it was voluntary, but it was manditory (or so I thought), so I made arrangements for the kids to be taken care of and I would be able to get to the meeting and then meet at dance afterwards with grandma to get my kids (second bad decision).

And, I have a dance competition for the girls in San Diego Saturday morning, I'll just drive down since call time is 9:15.  NO PROBLEM (third bad decison).

In the span of a few hours after I got home last night, it turns out that the call time for dance is actually 6:45AM (just notified), my work meeting is canceled because there weren't enough people to attend (apparently some RSVP's didn't go through) and the way I uploaded the DVD presentation for my niece FAILED!!!!!

So, now I have to RESCHEDULE the kids for Friday afternoon, book a hotel for Friday night and pray to GOD that my last attempt to upload the presentation that I spent DAYS working on will upload in the next half hour before I go to work, as the confirmation party is in a few short hours in Norway.

I am so fried and as everything has unraveled around me, I duck and weave and dance to get it all figured out because I don't have a choice.

Bottom line....we do what we need to do to get stuff done, no matter how unpleasant.  The best I can do is realize nobody died, no one is sick these are JUST situations that are unfortunate; and I'll get through it.  Maybe with a little less hair on my head (or more grays), but I'll survive.

Hope your day is going better than mine
Happy Friday!!!!

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