Monday, May 30, 2011

A place for everything, everything in its place

I never really got that comment.  I think I have always had so much 'stuff' that there were never enough places for me - ever!

Or.....I'm just disorganized.  (those who know me know me)

I am a visual person.  I have also been called Artistic & Creative.  I'm not sure if those are alternative ways to be called messy, but whatever.  I yam what I yam.....(popeye).

I have been given books: "Time Management for Unmanageable People", magnets: "I'm creative, you can't expect me to be neat too", and little decorative items like construction cones with other various sayings on them. 

Clearly, this isn't new to me.

I do believe there is an answer for me.  But just like being Left-handed (which I am), it's a world that many people do not understand.  I actually had one friend tell me, "I work better in chaos".  I actually felt like she 'got' me.  And then I felt sad.  : (

As I have been looking at my 'stuff' recently, I realized that not only is there no set place for it, I need to be able to put it where I can see it so I know I own it. 

When I put stuff in cupboards (exception-dishes), I don't remember where it is, or if I still have it. serves me better if I can see it out somewhere. 

Now, that said, I realize that this creates piles, which become messy, and things get lost.  THAT is a problem.  So, I need a system that works for (drum roll please)........... ME!!!

I have had "linear" people come and help me many times.  They can see it, literally, in a grid, how my life could be so much better and more organized.  BUT....that is their way.  Not mine.

I know eventually, I will get my act together.  I haven't given up on myself yet.  Just put things on delay, while I take care of my kids and my jobs and my husband (though he'll say he's not on the list).

I think it is very powerful to realize the type of person you are.  We all process things differently and until we realize how we work, it's very difficult to create a plan that fits you!!!

I was well into my 20's before I realized I was a visual learner.  Well into my 30's to realize there were others like me.  And now I'm into my 40's trying to figure out a system for myself. 

So, call me what you will.  I will simply call myself a 'Work in Progress'.  I'm constantly trying new things to see what works and what doesn't.  And being a mom, wife, and takes a little longer.  But as long as I keep plugging away, I'll get there. 

It just might not be pretty in the meantime.

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Clear storage bins? And the IKEA shelving unit. This has helped me immensely stay organized AND see what I have at my disposal. :)
