Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I have successfully sent my family off today.......angry at me.

Apparently we all woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

The alarm went off this morning, and I did not move.  I didn't want to.   I had metal running through my veins which added extra weight, sinking me further into my bed.  I wasn't about to fight it.  It's Wednesday, I don't have to work, who cares if the kids are late to school.

Ever notice when you wake up late, or on the wrong side of the bed; your day doesn't go totally right? happened to me. 

Kids come down dragging, the least tiny thing sets them off, the arguing ensues, the mom gets frustrated, yells at the kids, and the dad comes downstairs wondering "What in the hell's going on down here??"  Now, he's in a bad mood too.  Like a virus in the house....spreading quickly.....

It doesn't happen very often.   Actually, this week has been pretty good.  But I find that something in the universe aligns, and it just happens.  There is no fighting it, you just have to go with it and make the best of your day. 

As it is, it's not even 8am, and I have had to change the course of my day.  I guess you have to be willing to do that too.

So, I'm concerned now....

If my day started out on the wrong foot; does it have to continue on the wrong foot?  I want to say no, but the mood has already set in, and it's hard to reverse it once it has its claws in me.

But all's not lost.  I'm going to do what my dad advised me one day. 

I called him on the phone telling him I was angry about something.  I don't even remember what I was angry about.  But I remember him telling me I should do something constructive.  He suggested cleaning the house.  I laughed out loud thinking, "Ya're not gonna get me on that one!".  He said, "Try it.  When you are feeling should do something CON-structive". 

I was certain he was trying to trick me into cleaning the house.  But I decided to give it a shot; because I was very angry and needed something to do to get the aggression out of my system. 

And when I was done, I looked around at all I had accomplished....and the futher mucker was right.  I felt better.  (I love you dad).

So, I can't promise I will clean my house today....but I'm going to put as many constructive things in my path as possible to try to turn this day around.

It's a beautiful day, and I'm blessed to be here.  I'm going to start with that!

Happy Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Wednesday Cat. I hope your day has gotten better.
