Saturday, April 2, 2011

So much to do and so little time

I pray every day that the organizer fairy will fly into my life and give me the tools I need to stay organized.  But, so far, my prayers are unanswered.  Apparently God has more important issues to tend to, and frankly I don't blame him for letting my little issues run amock!!

I am the queen of procrastination and diversion tactics.  As it is now, I'm dressed and ready to run through the house and "git er done", but I am sitting here instead, writing to only God knows who; so at this time, we'll just call it, "me". 

Frankly, I get overwhelmed pretty easily.  When the mood strikes, I want it all done at once!  Right now!  Not in five minutes....NOW!  However, it didn't take "now" to happen.  It's been a slow culmination of neglect over a long period of time.  So, what I need to do is figure out how to chunk it down!

My "today" goal was to work on my bedroom.  Clothes are strewn everywhere, and I can't even dust because I have a lot of stuff to move before that can happen.  So, I need to go in and even chunk all that down to manageable tasks.  And where I get lost!  I just don't know where to start!  I swear, I wouldn't be surprised if Clean Sweep came to my door and said, I have been turned in! And don't get me wrong; if they showed up, I would promptly deny them access and go back to living "in secret" with my "stuff". 

I need to learn to look at all the little steps first and go from there.  So, for starters, I will give myself one clothes!  (gulp)  I'm going to play the "keep or toss" game for the next few hours until I have to pick up my munchkins.   I just hope I don't get the overwhelming urge to grab a snack, or take a nap, or call a friend.  Because this is precious time I am wasting.   Not that I just have a few hours to get some things done...but I have the desire to do it!  That is rare, in and of itself!!

So, off I go into my room.  I will go through all my baskets and play the game, and hopefully have closure on that, my first task, before I have to pick up the girls.  We'll see where this leads!
Hope your Saturday is less overwhelming than mine!
Pray for me....I'm goin' in!

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