Saturday, April 16, 2011


Last night I decided to watch a documentary called "Foodmatters".  Theses shows are not for the faint of heart.  It's alarming how the food industry manipulates our food and has literally altered our health. 

This documentary talked about how our food is a shadow of it's former self with the way they are mass producing it, and the use of pesticides.  They inferred that there is less of a chance getting our daily nutritional requirements from the foods, because there is about 40% of the 'potential' nutrients, and the deficiencies are what are causing our illnesses. 

One lady swears that food can heal anything if eaten properly.

It was a wild ride just watching it.  I wanted to turn it off because I was so tired, but I was both engrossed and fascinated by what I was hearing. 

Am I a believer???  Well....I'm not a DIS believer!  I honestly believe food is here for us to nourish our bodies like gas in a car.  If you put in bad gas, well, the car doesn't run well.  And if you keep doing it, eventually it affects the other areas of the car that are trying to work together, and eventually your garage bills are gonna start creeping up.

Food is the same way.  If we eat healthy, we feel healthy.  If we eat terribly, we feel tired and run down.  One guy said, (in this documentary), that we are not supposed to feel tired at 3pm.  Yet, most of the people I know feel tired and start losing steam in the afternoon.

So, what gives?  How much to do we need to change our diets to be healthy again?'s the was stated that even if we heat our foods a little bit, the enzymes in the food start to break down, and the food becomes less effective immediately.  So he proposes a RAW diet.  That is a gigantic leap from how we live nowadays.  I personally don't know any RAW diet people, so I can't imagine it's an easy lifestyle.  Maybe they are all living in a commune, growing their own organic fruits and veggies.  (And, no I am NOT putting them down, so don't write me).

Another fellow proposed that supplements can help cure many ailments.  For example, Niacin in large doses (I'm not going to tell you how much, because I don't want you trying it and suing me later), can help cure Depression or even Alcoholism (yes, you read that correctly).   And that vitamin C, also in generous doses can heal and potentially cure cancer. 

So, you do the math.  In watching this; it was very thought-provoking.  But I think that we, as individuals, need to do our own homework.  We are so quick to jump on taglines we see in magazines, when all that is, is a knee-jerk reaction to information that we instantly interpret in a way that we want to hear it and 9 times out of 10, you are only working on 1% of the information necessary to make a well informed decision and an adequate plan.

So, we all need to make our own decisions. 

What did I get out of it?  That I could easily make a few adjustments in a healthier direction to help my body heal itself.  That if I cut out "offending" foods, my body won't have to work so hard, making me tired in the process.  It certainly can't hurt to eat healthier.  And the more I see these documentaries, the more I realize my gut feeling on all these packaged foods is confirmed.  The healthier and better way to go, is to shop the perimeter of the store for the "Clean" foods we need to eat. 

If you like convenient foods, then take a little more time and make the foods you buy more convenient.  Don't just buy celery; chop it when you get it home, and prepare it for snack time.  So when you are hungry, you are more inclined to choose healthier, because your snack food is ready to go.  Preparation IS key.

Now...I'm not even gonna get started on the baggies we are putting everything in! (snicker snicker....)
Don't take my 1% of information.  If you are truly curious, do your own research.  But be prepared for what you may find out. 

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