Friday, April 1, 2011

Losing steam

It seems to me like we are busying ourselves more and more.  The girls started dance team this past year and it's been quite the struggle to keep it all together.  Rarely do we have an "off" day like I have had in years past.  I only work "officially" 3 days a week, yet I feel like I'm running 7. 

When people ask if we can "schedule' something and I find myself starting to cower!  I'm not sure how much more I can fit on my plate!  Take yesterday for example;  I worked two meetings, picked up the kids from school (late...and at a friends house, because I forgot it was early day out) and took them home briefly for a change and a snack.  Then I dropped one at tutoring, the other at dance, had enough time to complete the purchases necessary for not one, not two, but THREE birthday parties (that only one of my children is attending), and then picked the other up from tutoring.  After that I had enough time to run her home, drop her off with daddy and run to my last meeting of the day. 

I counted down the hours until I could relax.  After the meeting got out at 8:30pm, I went to the store to get milk and such, and came home to "rest".  Lo and behold, both munchkins were still up doing homework.  The younger one got off to bed around 9:30 (an hour and a half LATE), but the older one had to finish her two BIG projects that were due the following day.  I ended up helping her with the last push, because now it's getting so late I am getting tired and starting to lose it.  At nearly 10pm, I finally sent her to bed.  Hopefully she remembered to brush!  As I was sitting at my desk, I smelled something burning, and realized, I had forgotten the eggs that I set on the stove to boil.  Well, I'm here to tell you that overcooked eggs stink!!!  I was so frazzled by 10pm, and I wasn't even done!  Now, I had to put together the gifts for the three birthday parties. 

As I sat there in front of the TV, "relaxing" and putting together said gifts, I realized that my schedule conflicts with the early out times, my work, and my hair appointment (to which I only treat myself about twice a year), I have no way to actually get my child to and from the parties.  So, I ran upstairs to send off a quick email to beg someone to help me out!

Upon my return, I realize that my gifts that I am working so hard on, now look disheveled and pieces are missing.  I realize the dog (appropriately named Jinx), in the few short seconds she had, stuck her nose in my business and decided to try to run off and eat the gifts in my absence.  Not a wise decision on her part!  Let me just explain; after 8pm, I'm tired....but after 11pm, I'm downright scary!  You've never seen a dog run so fast for it's life before.  That's all I have to say about that!!!!

Thankfully, the gifts are wrapped *(well, if you can call them that), and the girls got to bed, and the dog is still alive, and I got off to bed near midnight!  So glad I had a night to myself to 'relax'.

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