Sunday, April 24, 2011

Life goes on.

Happy Easter!

For the last 17 hours I have been in bed. It is 11:30 and I am just now getting coffee.

Yesterday after visiting my friend and her dad (who is showing signs of improvement) I starting feeling that 'skin hurt' feeling. Alarm bells went off in my brain. I couldn't get home fast enough to jump into the shower and climb into my pjs.

See, I have this M.O. (modus operandi) that I go through when I start getting sick and it includes sweating out whatever is going on, and drinking as many fluids as I can.

This happens every so often, and I am not sure if it means I am run down and need rest, or that I really beat the flu. But if I get to the shower fast enough and make the water hot enough, it raises my body temp. And I sweat the rest out in bed with about 3 layers of clothes.

So needless to say, I changed my clothes in the middle of the night and woke up feeling at least human today.

I get paranoid any time I am sick, because I feel like the world will come to an end until I can function again. Interestingly enough things were just fine. Nobody died and here I sit, in bed, on Easter, typing on my IPad while the girls and daddy are downstairs, watching a movie.

It makes me realize that though we are important, life will go on if we remove ourselves sometimes.

Being stuck in bed is a mixed blessing of, well.....being stuck, and having quiet time. Forced quiet time....but quiet time. My family cared for me for a change. And though it isn't the way I would have staged it, I am thankful for it. I feel loved.

May you have a blessed Easter Sunday, filled with love.

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