Thursday, April 14, 2011

My life in Bags!~

This morning, I went to get my clothes on for work; only there was a problem.  I couldn't find them.  No surprise to some of you who know me, but still.....when it happens, I get so frustrated.  And every bad decision I have made comes flooding forward!

I live moment to moment.  I get by in that moment, and move on to the next!  I don't have time to look back, or look forward, because I am just too busy and too scattered to do so.  It works "in the moment", but the back side of it is.....I'm totally out of control!!

My car is a mess, because "I'll get it later".  The dining room table is full of, "I'll get it in a minute", The kitchen sink is full of, "I'll be right back" and my clothes, are left in a bag in one of those scenarios, possibly to be never seen again!

On Tuesdays I work until 2pm, and then I rush off to go to get the kids, usually getting there just in time for pickup.  This past Tuesday; being my birthday and all, I decided to go to Disneyland straight from work.  Julie picked up the girls from school and we met at Disneyland - which required me changing my clothes and putting my work clothes in a bag in my car. 

Well, this morning, as I wandered around the house, I grabbed 'the' bag that had my clothes in them; only it was the wrong bag.  THIS bag was filled with work papers.  So, I looked in another bag; full of kids stuff.  And, yet another bag, full of stuff I collected around the house while cleaning in preparation for my Sunday's party.  Are you exhausted and confused yet, because I sure am!!! 

My whole life has been this way and it's really frustrating.  I'm kind of over it all!  I realized, this morning, that I need to start planning to plan so that I can plan to get things done!  Only, the paperwork I would probably need to get started on that plan is stuck in a bag somewhere under a pile of something that I haven't seen in what might be years!  So.....I move on to the next moment.

Hopefully, one of my days all my wisdom will come together in some form to help me better organize my life.  But for now, it's all scattered throughout the crevices of my life, to hopefully one day be pieced bag at a time!!!

And in case you are wondering if I ever found my work clothes....the answer is no.  Not yet.  I had to abandon ship so I could get to work, and I'm wearing something else, that will likely end up in a bag that I will never find.

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