Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Lovely Tuesday

Today is Tuesday; it's the first day of my work week.  I find I am the most vulnerable on these days, because I have a lot to think about.  I write my meeting notes when I walk in to work, which puts a bit of pressure on me.

I used to write them at home, the night before, but as I forgot to bring flip charts home to actually draft my notes, I just started getting to work earlier and doing it there.  It took me a while to realize the pressure of this job.  Most of you know I'm a leader at Weight Watchers.  It's a great job, where I get to motivate people; but with great power comes great responsibility.  It is up to me to motivate someone to change there lives.  And sometimes....I just don't feel like it.

Even the motivator needs motivating sometimes.   On Tuesdays when I drive into work, I find myself a ball of emotions:  What will I say?  How can I drive the topic home?  Will they know I ate at Carls Jr. for dinner?  Do I look fat in this dress? (haha...okay, sometimes, yes!)

Luckily, having gone through it all myself, I can usually come up with something.  But there are days when it's more of a struggle to present well.  Some meetings go better than others.  I can deliver a topic in exactly the same way and have it be the best meeting ever, while bombing for the other meeting.  It's bizarre.  You are really at the mercy of your audience.  So, I do my best to place myself in their shoes.

But, inevitably; the drive in on Tuesday mornings, is a mixed bag of emotions.  (Have I told you I am an emotional person?)  A little bit of worry, a little dose of motivation (through 'tapes'), a little medititation (as I wrote that, the word MediCATION came out first....a freudian slip, I'm sure). 

All I know is I do my best.  I do love what I do.  And I think that is the most important thing.  I cannot control what happens, just what I put into it.  And with that, I'm on my way.

Hope your week goes well. 

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