Sunday, September 2, 2012

Up All Night

So my girls have had quite the weekend.... and we will be paying for it for days......j

It's 1:35 and we had to force them to get up a half hour ago.
I would have let them sleep all day, but then they would be up all night.  So, now they are two crabby monsters who aren't worth a lick for the rest of the day.  Yay me!!  I had a project I have been wanting to get started on, in their room - and it's hard to get started when there are bodies in there. 

Now; half the day is gone and we have plans at 4pm, so the day is basically wasted.......

But that's okay.  It's the end of summer; they had not one, but TWO sleepover parties this weekend.  What a way to send off the summer, right?  So my project has to wait another day.

As it is, I'm already up more than I thought.  My little  bro came over for breakfast and I asked him a question about a light; and the next thing you know the light is fixed as well as the garage light (in front of our house which has NEVER worked; and a plumbing leak has been corrected!!! 

The boyz got skillz.........

He also helped wake up the girls.  They weren't going to do it for me.... 

Aspen was quiet, but woke up.  Avery....   Avery...... Avery......   Took some work.

She is so me when it comes to waking up.  If she doesn't want to do it's not going to get done.

After much effort; both girls are up; but it will be a fight to keep them up all day.  This is payback for letting them play.

But whatever.  Like I said; it's the last few days of summer; so maybe I will go take a nap myself!....

Happy Sunday

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