Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Clutter removal and finalization

I rolled the kids out of  bed early today.  No sleeping in; school starts tomorrow and we have a full day ready for us. 

After many MANY hours of work yesterday, we got about 2/3 done.  However, I feel like it's only half.  The little stuff is looming and that is the 'stuff' we have to "KEEP, TOSS, or DONATE". 

I'm not looking forward to the arguments on that stuff; I already had a couple conversations yesterday and as they weren't looking I made a few 'executive decisions'.  (let's call it mom's prerogative).

I'm anxious to get the decorations up, but they girls chose a different layout to the room, so my 'vision' has already been lost. 

I am not a decorator, designer or organizer.  I'm simply going through everything one piece at a time. 

Some people may have cleared out the whole room and started over.  But I don't work that way.  As I didn't have an initial plan, I more or less 'scooted' things around the room cleaning behind and in front of me as I go.  There are still pieces of flooring that haven't been vaccuumed as they haven't seen the light of day in about 2 years.  When I move those pieces of furniture, I will get to it, I promise.

The day started out rocky.  No one wanted to help and 'someone' was having meltdowns every two minutes.  It was pretty grueling.  I know some of that was still fallout from two consecutive sleepovers. 

We were supposed to go to the beach and hang out with friends, but this job was HUGE and needed to get done.  And as I was already at least a day behind, I didn't have a choice in this one.

Tensions finally mounted about 1:30 and then all of a sudden, everything started falling into place.  I pulled out the spackle and paint to patch the walls and all of a sudden I had a captive audience.  Who knew? 

My initial idea for the design was to have the two beds on one side of the room; and their dressers on the other.  After much deliberation, we ended up with the beds on opposite and diagonal sides from each other.  They both liked the idea and I wasn't about to argue.  I was happy we got that far.

My goal in all of this was to purge the little stuff that gets in their way and take them back to basics.  If it doesn't fit in their dresser, they don't need it.  (Aside from a few dresses, jackets and sweatshirts being hung.

Their room got way to cluttered and they couldn't find anything.  So I'm taking the 'anything' away and going from there.

They have hooks for their backbacks and a lot more open space in their room. 

I am bound and determined to get this year off on the right foot.

I will hopefully have pictures to follow.

Happy Tuesday!

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