Thursday, September 13, 2012


What do you do with all the 'stuff' you have no place for?  Do you purge it?  Donate it? Or store it?

And if you store it, do you give it a timeline or just revisit it every few years and say, 'Ya I'm keeping it just a little longer!"

And if so, then what is your reasoning?

I know for me I feel connected to some of my 'stuff'.  But if I'm so connected, wouldn't I find a purpose for my stuff instead of just dumping it in my garage or in the back of a closet???

It's a constant battle. 

More often than not for me, is out of sight - out of mind.  Once I put it away somewhere it doesn't exist anymore until I am force to revisit it down the road.

I believe this is how Hoarding starts.  Ans sometimes I feel like I'm encroaching on the lifestyle.  But then I look around and realize a lot of it is not my stuff.  And I'm not the only one who doesn't 'deal' with their stuff.  But I am the one who makes the executive decision, so that puts a little pressure on me. 

Recently when we went through the girls' room, I decided to make sure every single item in their room had a 'home' to go to.  Whether is was a piece of paper, or a paperclip or clothing; it had to fit somewhere in their room or it was going out.  Keep Toss or Donate!

It took two full days to go through their room, but the results were well worth the time!!  Their room is free and clear of unnecessary 'stuff' and they now know where everything goes.  But I realized, they had some of my disease in not comprehending where to put everything.

We are such a 'STUFF' society.  Sometimes it feels like a contest for who can have the most 'STUFF'. 

The problem with our 'stuff' is that many people look at it as though "IT" will make them happy.  When in truth, if someone was devoid of emotion, no one thing will make them happy.  THEY have to make themselves happy.

But as we all get more clogged with the latest and greatest, we have so many diversions, that to actually take the time to look at ourselves becomes near impossible.  So we don't.

Thankfully, in my girls' case; they were happy to get rid of the clutter.  It was all so overwhelming that they couldn't focus.  I know how that feels!! 

After going through their room, I realized how much I have been ignoring my own 'stuff' and it all needs to be addressed.  And my goal is if I can't do it all at once, I will do a little at a time until it's all done and gone.

It's a process that starts small.  But as you continue with it, you build momentum and it gets easier and easier. 

I'm starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel, or at the very least, I have a vision of how things will go.  And to be honest, if you know me....then you know that's a big stretch.

Just one piece at a time.

Happy Thursday!

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