Sunday, September 16, 2012

Morning Shpilkes

I think I need to start setting my clock to 5:30 and have a list ready to get accomplished, because I swear, I'm way more productive in the first hour of my day than any other?  There could seriously be something to this!!

If I just didn't like my bed so much!

But this morning I got up blended my smoothing and saw the mounting pile of dishes.  I figure in the time I drink my smoothie, I can tackle this chore and be done with it.  Well, as it turns out; having four kids in the house, even for a short amount of time yields a fuller than full dishwasher; so there are a few more in the sink.  Why didn't I finish them you ask? Because my smoothie was getting warm and I have other things to do.  Besides; the girls need to take a little accountability for the fun they had, and unbeknownst to them, they will be doing dishes later.  :)

You will be happy to know that a week later, you can still see the floor in their room and they are loving it!  I'm so glad I took those two days to power through it.

I swear, it got me thinking about the rest of the house and I'm feeling more task-oriented, which is a Godsend!!!  It's amazing how one big completed task can give clarity to smaller tasks.

It's kind of the same for losing weight.  When I think back on it, it seemed an impossible task.  But in truth, it was just a bunch of little changes that I made over and over again until they became part of my life.  And though  I still struggle with my weight (because I ADORE food and cooking and baking), the basics of the weight loss is there; exercise, evaluating and making better choices and knowing that the better choice will make me feel better in the end!).

And when I look back and see how far I came, I realized that persistence was the main ingredient.  NOT perfection. 

So today, when I head off to my busy day (three photo shoots that I'm really excited about), I will have peace of mind knowing that my early morning "Shpilkes" as mom calls it, will let me come home to clean dishes. 

Kind of like working out.  Nothing you LOVE to do, but something you are ALWAYS glad you did!!!

Sometimes you have to look ahead a bit when making a decision.  It's the light at the end of the tunnel!!  Most people dont' LOVE working, but they sure love their paychecks.  And they do a good job so they can continue to get paid. 

Think a few steps ahead - get the task done and revel in your accomplishment.  Who doesn't want to feel good about what they have done??

Happy Sunday!

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