Friday, September 14, 2012

flying around

Up a little early this morning and not happy about it.  I HATE having so much flying through my mind that I can't sleep.  It's becoming a common occurrence lately.

It's not even 7 and I've already had breakfast and cleared the dishes from the dishwasher.  I mean, what else is there to do, right?

On the upside, as I'm sitting here, I'm actually a bit chilly.  That's a contrast to the stagnant air that has settled in my house every nite for the last few weeks.  I'm almost ready to grab a light blanket to warm me up!!  Who'da thunk???

This weather the last few weeks has been a real bummer.  But as I'm aware it can always be worse; we are getting by.

We are spoiled by our weather, aren't we?  It gets into the 90s and we cry heatwave.  But we are just spoiled by great weather most of the year.

As we go into the weekend, I hear the temps are revving up again.  I'm not looking forward to  it as I have photo shoots and I don't like to see people melting.  Hopefully we can make it quick and everyone will be happy.

It's been busy lately, which is good.  The holidays are coming up and  people are preparing for their holiday cards.

Can you believe we are 'there' already???

I walked into Pier One Imports last week and was nearly hit in the face with all the Halloween stuff.  I haven't even thought about what I want to be yet and they are already for the season.  YIKES...

And on the coattails of that is Thanksgiving and then, (Gulp), Christmas. 

I'm already NOT looking forward to it all.  I'm overwhelmed with day to day life enough without adding extra 'stuff'.....  But what can ya do??

Life is just going way too fast.  It's hard to absorb the moments without distraction.  And with all the gadgets we have I think that has further distracted me from the present.

Have you ever snuck into your kids room at night and just watched them sleep.  I do that sometimes.  I want to bottle up that moment and keep it with me.  But I can't.  And as my memory sucks I can pretty much say the moment is gone. 

But when I see the kids sleeping, in peace, it makes me so happy and content.

I do try to get that feeling often, but it's becoming more and more elusive and it makes me sad.

I feel my days are so full of busywork that I can't breathe.  Over the summer I think I got one day at the beach.  ONE DAY!!!  Seriously? 

It's that getting pulled in a million different directions called life.

I kind of laugh when my kids don't 'want' to pick up around the house, or they don't 'want' to do their homework.  If I could live my life based on my 'wants', I would be so happy.

But my theory is this; if you can't always get what you can at least spend your days adding a little contentment, even if it's only sneaking into your kids room to see them at peace.

Now with that said, I need to go upstairs and YELL them out of bed, because they haven't moved yet and they are running late.

Happy Friday!

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