Monday, September 10, 2012

I got sumthin'!!!!

Okay, so I had some realizations today and I had to write another blog entry.

Most of us are trying to get back on track this time of year.  It's hard, I know.  But so is being fat and lazy. 

So I dropped the kids off at school and ran into one of the moms who said, "Are you going to workout at Heidi's today?"  And though I was planning on it, I always realize I'm one excuse from not going.  And that excuse could  be as simple as, "I have to pee". 

But because I faced this woman and said "YES", I'm now accountable to another body.  And she is a fit adorable woman.  But I also know she is pretty close to me in that one excuse away from not going. 

So now, we are both accountable to each other and we both showed up; even though I was a few minutes late (which could have easily been the excuse I was looking for).

When I get there, I'm met with familiar faces.  I have been to Heidi maybe once this whole summer.  As I had kids every day, they were my excuse for not going.   (do you see a pattern here?)

As I was working out we were talking about people who hadn't shown up in a while.   One of my friends being one of them.  And I realized that when you start working out and meeting people,  you are creating this new community for yourself.  It's out of your comfort zone at first, but then it becomes the 'norm' and then it becomes part of your life.  And when you don't show up, you are literally missed by those around you!

Have you ever seen a really overweight person hanging out with a group of super fit (like zero body fat) people???  HARDLY!!!!  And if you did, it was a visiting relative who had nowhere else to go and no car to get there!

It's quite a leap from Fat to Fit.  I've been there, trust me!!!  When I initially started working out, I hid in the back of the class, not wanting anyone to see me but feeling like everyone was staring!! 

And as I got more fit, I started moving to the front of the class so I could actually SEE myself working out to make sure I'm doing it correctly. 

And what started out driving me to the gym - the desire to lose weight - became more of a craving than anything else. 

But what happened through all of it was I created this community of people who will call me out if I end up missing too much.  These are my people now.  Familiar faces and part of my day.

This morning when I was working out, I realized how fit I was compared to some of these people.  Though I would like to call myself completely out of shape; I'm reminded that I'm still very strong and that my years of exercise didn't go away in just a few short months.

But what really hit me today, was at the end of the class as we were all on the ground stretched out for cool down, I looked down the row of women in the class.  Yes we were all doing the same stretch; but what I saw on their faces was contentment.  We were done.  I was lined up with five other women and every one of them had their face in the same direction, with their eyes closed - and I knew EXACTLY how they felt, because I had that same look on my face.

I almost burst out laughing, because I was reminded how we always think we are alone.  But in this moment, we were all one.  It was a really great feeling. 

And I give us all kudos; because it was sweltering today and we all left dripping.  The fact that we stayed through the misery earned us extra points!!

Working out is a commitment to your body.  But it's also a major benefit to your mind and soul.  And why we choose to excuse ourselves from it is beyond me.  But as long as I have those women's faces in my mind,  I will always be pulled towards making the right choice!!

And that's not nuthin'!!!!

Happy Monday!!

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