Saturday, March 19, 2011

True Friends

How do you tell a true friend from a fake or "faux" friend?  It's not always easy to tell.  Personally, in my progressing years, I have found my true friends.  And not only that; I have also honed my "true friend detector".  There are some people you REALLY want to be good friends with, but for some reason the recipe isn't "just so" and therefore, it never happens.  In my opinion, true friendships come pretty easy.  But a REAL true friend doesn't go running for the hills when there is a problem!
Take my recent situation -
I had something that was bothering me, so I reached out via email (I don't recommend this by the way), and it blossomed into a huge mushroom cloud of crap!  I realized that this particular person is very sensitive and does not know me as 'me', and therefore proceeded to use passive aggressive measures to bypass her true anger.  Which bums me out.  Because now, I'm left feeling hurt; she's left feeling hurt, and at this point, our 'friendship' hasn't progressed enough to know that we can get passed this. is left in a yucky way.  However....the OTHER person involved in this "yuck-ness", I approached, discussed with (very heatedly at times), and I think we are back at a good place!  I realized that I am SOOOOOO thankful for people to whom I cannot be perfect!
Now....I realize without knowing all the details you have to interpret a bit.  But the truth is, the details don't matter.  The lesson is there!  One of the relationships turned into a bit of a "fail", while the other grew!
Going into the heated discussions with my one friend made me very anxious, because I was fearful that she would judge me and look at me differently.  However, I explained to her that I absolutely and positively can NOT ignore when something is bothering me.  It LITERALLY festers in my body and causes me panic attacks.  She appreciated that and forgave me my indiscretions!
Now, the REAL bummer about this WHOLE situation was, it was NEVER meant to be hurtful.  Because of email, the inflection wasn't there, the message got taken wrong, and I was left with a HUGE mop trying to clean up my mess!  Email SUCKS!!!!  But as you can see how I LOVE writing, I honestly thought I put everything in a very "threat-free" manor.  CLEARLY, I didn't!  It's amazing how lack of inflection (in email) can cause HUGE GAPS in conveying YOUR message.  So BEWARE!!!  (Like my use of CAPS)?
Sometimes the best communication is in person.  When in doubt, pick up the phone!  I had used the excuse of "I didn't have time and I thought it would be easier to shoot of an email".  Well.....two days and many conversations later, that was NOT a good choice. 
All that said, in the end-communication is the key!  Your true friends will stick it out with you if you are honest and heartfelt in your words. 
Most of my friends know that I shoot from the hip and I cuss like a sailor (still trying to work on that); and they forgive me my flaws.  For that I am very thankful.  NONE of us are perfect! 
What are your flaws and how do you get through your friendships???  Avoid and fester?  Or communicate and free yourself???
I, for one, feel much better.  I have a deeper appreciation for my friend, and I am SO grateful we got through this!  Today, I feel blessed!!!

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