Sunday, March 27, 2011

Happy Sunday

Well, I'm not sure what I have to say, if much at all!  Afterall, everyone needs a day off, right?  (who am I kidding?  I'll find something to blab about).  Being that it is Sunday, I will give a shout out to God.

Recently, we started going to church.  And I mean for the first time EVER as a family! I had gone in the past, but it never really 'stuck' because of this or that or the other!  Truth is, I was raised catholic, and though my mom refuses to understand or believe me, I was riddled with guilt and fear and the worst part is, I never really got "religion" other than you need to live by Gods Rules.  Now, we all have rules, right?  But for some reason, the Catholic rules were presented in a pretty scary way.  At least to me!  And, so I felt like I was either doing something "Right"....or doing something "Wrong, forbidden, and you will PAY DEARLY". 
In my heart of hearts, I didn't feel religion was that way, so I strayed on a path in my own direction.

For a LOT of YEARS!!!!

Now, I'm not here to convert anyone, I really don't care what religion or what church anyone goes to.   And I certainly do not want to discuss anyone's views, so I won't really be putting any here, other than, we all need to find our own way. 

In my years of straying, I held MY  beliefs close.  But what I struggled with, was finding a church that was comfortable for me and left me feeling capable, rather than handicapped.   The other thing that kept me straying was "life was getting in the way".  But the problem that I found, was that I wasn't really worried about my own foundation, so it wasn't so important to me.  What is interesting is the fire that got lit about religion, recently, was my girls.  Yes, I had MY foundation....but what about THEM???  I didn't want them to grow up not knowing God.  Thankfully (yes, I'm going to bring up my friends again) with the help of MANY of my friends, I heard about all sorts of options and the best part AIN'T what is used to be!  That is for SURE!!!

All the churches that we visited had (get this), "Kids programs".  And, I'm here to tell you, if they had this when I was growing up, I would NOT have strayed from church EVER!!!  I'm actually jealous! (that's a sin, I know). 

So, long story, long....we did find a place where not only the kids enjoy....but dear old hubby (whom I used to call atheist), is sitting right next to me!  BOY have things changed! 

And a part of me is feeling fulfilled, because when I was a kid, Sundays were spent in church AS A FAMILY, and that is part of my foundation.  I am now (or shall I say, "WE" are now...) giving our children a foundation that will carry them WAYYYY FORWARD!!! 

The funny thing about church, religion, God, beliefs, or however you wish to present it to that I honestly feel that it is all about making a proper balance in life.   That good begets good.  Since we have been going to church, I feel like my husband and I have more to talk about and at least one more thing in common!  And for marriage, the more in your court, the better!!!

I also have something more to share with the kids.  These Sundays are more like a spiritual social outting that makes everyone happy, and I'm so glad!  For those of you who REALLY know me, you know this was quite the journey for me, personally.  And I am thankful that God waited for me to come back!

And for the Catholics out there....I applaud you.  I don't care who is what religion.  That has never been an issue in my life.  What I care about is following a path that feels right in your own body, all the way down to your own soul! 

Life is a Journey!  If it were a trip....we'd all be done already!!!

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