Monday, March 28, 2011

Enough information to cripple you

Sometimes I'm confused by all the information "out there".  With all the labels we have nowadays, certainly I can find a name for whatever my 'issue' is.  There is so much research done and so many studies in the world that there is inevitable, conflicting information.
In this instance I am referring to my own personal issues.  I have had a diagnosis of "GERD" which is Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.   Apparently, reflux isn't uncommon at all.  Well, nowadays anyway!
I think about how all these "diseases" came about and wonder; were they there 100 years ago?  Or has our society changed so much, we have actually started creating them with our food options?
And now, as I try to reverse the effects of my "disease", I'm overwhelmed with all the information out there on this subject!
Which doctor to see, which foods to eat, which ones to avoid, should I take the meds, or will they create another issue that is worse than the one I'm dealing with, etc.....
The information is literally crippling my ability to move forward!

But I cannot help but reflect back on what got me here!?!?!?!  Is it all the processed foods I ate growing up?  Is it food allergies or intolerances (there IS a difference) that are causing this issue? 

It is pretty scary to think about it all.  Because I do believe the end result will fall onto my children.  Most certainly I will not want THEM dealing with these issues when they get older!  So, I have a lot of work ahead of me.  And though I should just jump in, I feel overwhelmed with options. 

I'm sure any doctor I go to can "cure" me.  If I go to an accupunturist, he'll use his needles, if I go to a chiropractor, he'll tell me my spine is out and he can help, if I go to a Gastroenterologist, he'll find some sore of medication that will surely do the trick.  If I go to a nutrtionist, he'll give me a list of foods to eat/avoid. 

Literally any doctor will tell you they can help you. But where is my money best spent?  Right now, I'm not quite sure! 

And though THIS is MY issue; in the world, we all have our issues, and our plethora O'information to go through before we make our decisions.  It's all so much!

So for now, I think I will just take it one day at a time; and one doctor at a time.  Since I do NOT want to be on meds, I'm guessing, I will see someone who can talk to me about food intolerances.  I have been given some pretty good recommendations. 

I really do think our food choices are making us sick.  But I'll save that tangent for another day!  I don't want to give anyone too much information that will cripple THEM from making any good decisions.  We all need to go with our "gut" and do what is best for ourselves.

Hope your Monday is Sunny and bright!

1 comment:

  1. I agree there are labels for everything it seems these days. I just read something today about TES (twin escalation syndrome) where one kids feeds off the other. Really we need a syndrome for that? Isn't that just human nature?
    PS I have heard eating fresh mint and cilantro (not necessarily together) can help reflux.
