Monday, March 21, 2011

Pushing through the pain

Monday Monday......
I woke up this morning in pain and exhausted.  It seems that my schedule is never ending and no downtime.  So what better way to recover than to sleep in right?  Wrong.  I made a promise that I would show up Monday to boot camp, and thankfully, I made the promise to the boot camp guru, Heidi, who is here to keep me accountable!  If I didn't show up....she would know.  And, I would feel bad.  Not only that, I would spend my day in shame for not following through on a promise.  To both her and myself.
It's really hard to do the right thing sometimes.  Especially when you aren't in the mood!  However, my not being in the mood put 50 extra pounds on my bones and that didn't do ANYONE any good.
I have known for a few months that I have been in a slump. 
Losing weight is easy.  You lose.  But maintaining is hard.  It is a whole other bag of balance.  And when life gets in the way, something has to give.  But the question is; what am I going to "let" that be?  What will mean the least to me that I can let go!?  Usually, it's exercise.  But exercise is what got me the definition in my arms.  It got me the momentum that kept me going.  So what is the real price for not following through on that???  The real price is my mental stability! 
Exercise helped me to stabilize my anxiety and bring it to a level so manageable it didn't require medication.  Exercise brought my body to a healthy BMI and afforded me the glory of looking in the mirror at my success.  Exercise brought me pride.
So, though I wanted to let this morning be spent in bed; I have the gift of hindsight.  I am very aware that my decisions today shape my future.  I have some plans for the near future and I need to see them achieved.  So I got out of bed, did the boot camp, and was very thankful that I did.  But I already knew I would feel this way!  When I make a right decision; it always feels right.  Even if my body hurts!!!

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