Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!

You know I find a lot of value in the golden rule.  I honestly try to do my best to live by it.  So when someone treats ME as I am CERTAIN they themselves would not appreciate being treated; I get angry!
It's not always easy to treat others as you wish to be treated.  Especially when so many others demonstrate complete selfishness.  My brain goes into overdrive asking questions like "HOW do they NOT get it?"
I think the bottom line is; to ASSUME others would be like me is to make an ASS out of U and ME! 
So, everyone is NOT like me!  That is what makes the world go around.  Right?

So, what do you do when faced with a situation where someone honestly needs to be addressed for their complete lack of respect?  I find this completely troublesome, because I usually spend way too much time going over the scenarios of the conversation in my head to make sure it turns out "right" before I actually open my mouth!  Usually, though, anxiety takes over and I get very agitated and ultimately end up stopping myself altogether.  I was given the gift of "Reaction" not "Grace" in the face of conflict.  So, because of this, I usually hold off on saying something, because I realize that my emotions will take over and make me look like an idiot.  I have learned this from experience.  It is very frustrating. 
And the worst part is; is after the moment is gone and not even available to confront, and deal with, I run it over and over and over again in my head like a bad movie reel, so that I can further beat myself up about how I "should have" handled it.  And I do this knowing there is no way to fix it.

It's a vicious cycle, these emotions that run amok in my head.  I get a little tired of the inner dialog.  It's there all the time.  Usually, I can tune it out.  But when something happens, I just can't get away from it.  I guess it all comes down to fear for standing up for myself.  Or feeling that someone else will put me in my place, further perpetuating the negativity already running wild in my head!

Thankfully, with age, comes perspective.  Some things don't seem as important, because with the clearer picture that perspective brings, you get to see what really matters.  And what really matters just walked into my office to kiss me good night and let me plant a million kisses all over her face!!! 

1 comment:

  1. I try too but snapped the other day when a woman saw I had three kids, with the B/G twins on leashes. She decided to lecture me on how I needed NO more children. Even after politely trying to put her off by saying, "for now." She persisted, and I couldn't help but snap at her, "Actually I am five months pregnant!" She turned on her heel and I didn't even waste time feeling bad.
