Friday, March 18, 2011

OMG another blog????

I couldn't help myself.  I have so much to say and that it doesn't all fit into ONE blog category.  Such is my life, I am all over the place.  I'm sure I'm the only one, right?   ....... uh....Right???  ........helloooooo??? 
Well, anyway, maybe I am.  The only consistent thing in my life is I am INconsistent!  And, it's such a bummer.  I am like a buoy in the sea, floating where the current takes me.  Sometimes it works to my benefit, and other times it bites me in the...(insert body part here).
I just need a place to put my very random thoughts.  Things happen every day and they don't follow a pattern.  They happen and they are what they are.  What this blog is about is exactly that!  Whatever happens happens and it will end up here.
If you wish to follow, please feel free.  However, this is a place of non judgement.   If you wish to judge, please find yourself to the door. 
In my experience with people, we do not share enough.  We hold it in thinking we are the only ones suffering, and it's really sad.  I am nothing without my support system around me!
I have considered starting a small group so people can come and get together and chat away or work through their personal issues.  Counseling is not affordable to most.  But what I have found, is there is power in numbers.  I may not have the answer, but maybe someone else can!  Who's with me?? (hold your response).
So, my first tangent of the day is about what sits inside my stomach.  I call it "My emotions".  If something happens to me, I feel it in my stomach, and depending on the specific emotion, it could go up in my chest, or down a bit lower, to make me want to double over and fold in half.  Ever feel that way???
I'm a bit angry that I can't get rid of it until I DEAL with it.  And if I don't DEAL with it, it turns into a full blown anxiety attack.
Now, dealing with issues is okay....when it DOESN'T involve other people to help you resolve.  However, when you have to deal with others in the process of letting something go, it becomes even MORE anxiety provoking until I actually face it.  But THEN.....there is the mixed bag of "How will the other person respond.....?", which...well lets say, don't get me started on this one.
I wish there was a way I could resolve it in my mind and walk away.  But my curse of honesty doesn't permit this to happen very often.  And when I DO have a situation where facing the other person willnot EVER resolve my emotions, it's a very long time of mantras in my head until it diminishes to a "live-able" level.   But the most important thing first, is to acknowledge the feelings and then figure out the best way to deal!  With that,  I usually defer to my friends for advice.  Thankfully, I have great friends who are not afraid to talk me down from the cliff when I'm ready to jump!  I encourage you to lean on your friends when you need them.  We are not without fault in our lives.  And the sooner we realize that and use each other to get through this thing called life, the better off we will all be.
That is my daily tangent.  If I want to have two a day, I will, because, hey...this is MY blog!!!
Happy Friday!!!


  1. Loved it! You are such a natural writer!! I really enjoy reading your blogs...all of them =) Keep it up because you inspire people everyday!

  2. I agree you have always had a gift for writing and I love the idea... but how the heck are you going to find the time to keep this up?

  3. Tamara, THIS one is a no brainer! I put these out in 5 minutes. I am so random, I think I finally found a blog that supports my brain!!! Writing is easy for me. Whether people want to read about it every day is another question....?

  4. I Think that i have a lot more in common with you than i first thought. We deal with issues in a very similar way. I on the other hand like to have everything planned and if i let things go then i feel out of control.
